Michigan Meadows
Michigan Bees + Michigan Flowers = Michigan Honey
The Best Honey in the World!
Our amazing workforce.
How do we pack so much flavor into each jar? Our bees do it. We don't mess it up by adding corn syrup or anything else. Every jar is 100% Michigan bee made pure raw honey.
We can't put them on a leash or build a fence to keep them in, so we build them a home where they want to live. We know if the bees don't like the home we provide, they will leave. When the bees are very productive, we know the hive is very happy. Happy bees provide a lot of honey!
Is the honey organic?
What we bottle is what the bees create, with nothing added. Bees can travel up to 7 miles to get nectar and pollen, thus there is no way for any beekeeper to track their every move. So the FDA has deemed that no honey can be labeled as "Organic". Every drop of Michigan Meadows honey is made by Michigan bees, from Michigan flowers with nothing added. This is local honey at its most natural.
Bee Keepers buy Bees here...
"Pure Honey" vs "Pure RAW Honey"
It turns out that honey can legally be labeled "Pure Honey" even if corn syrup is added. Only honey labeled "Raw Honey" is actually 100% real honey. Always look to see if your honey is labeled as "Raw", and make sure your honey is made in Michigan. Michigan Raw Honey is some of the best in the world, and eating honey made in Michigan is believed to reduce or even eliminate allergic reactions to the Michigan pollens. We get to enjoy every bit of the original goodness. Our bees made it perfect, and we don't mess with perfection.